High schoolers need nap time more than kindergarteners

Energy gives us the ability to carry out daily tasks, from walking to breathing. However, some people have more energy than others, which is most often a side effect of aging. Despite this, for some reason, kindergartners get a naptime when they have more energy while high schoolers get none when they’re tired more often. High schoolers deserve a naptime.

First of all, many teens do not get enough sleep. According to NPR, teenagers need at least 9 to 10 hours of sleep a night, but 69 percent of students are not getting the sleep they need. Introducing a naptime for high schoolers would ensure everyone is not falling behind due to a lack of sleep. This also would help with the stress that is related to lack of sleep.

Second, napping would also boost school performance. Since students would likely be more tired during the middle of the day, a naptime there would improve a student’s attention span, giving them the ability to focus better and improve their grades. It can also improve memory, which positively affects school performance as well.

Some say that high school students shouldn’t get naptime because high school is intended to be structured similarly to a workday, and they also might struggle to sleep at night if provided a nap. It is a fair argument, but people still take naps at workplaces, such as offices, so it isn’t unreasonable.

In conclusion, bringing naptime forward to high school would be beneficial because it would help improve school performance and help teens get the sleep they need. A simple solution would be to introduce naptime into high school. I suggest having naptime after lunch. After A lunch, students could have naptime for around 10-20 minutes, with B lunch also getting the same treatment. It would take place in a student’s third-period classroom.