Depending on your grade, you might have a different method of getting to school than others. Some drive, some take the bus and others get dropped off by carpool.
“I’ve been driving to school...
As graduation gets closer every day, students at FVHS have been left with one question. When are Water Wars? This long-anticipated tradition has been a highlight for past graduating classes, yet this year,...
More and more YouTube stars have been coming out with stories of their disturbing reality as of recently. YouTube is generally a new concept, having only been around since 2005. Therefore, the effects...
The Disney Channel, which was launched on April 18, 1983, is a name that warms the hearts of thousands of Generation Z individuals, as the network has aired thousands of television shows and movie premieres.
Which is better for high school: being comfy or stylish? As soon as students get out of bed, this is the question that comes to mind. Pupils who prioritize their own relaxation by dressing comfortably...
The Mandela effect is a collective false memory formed by the general public. The Mandela effect itself got its name from Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa, who died of a respiratory...
Imagine getting a fortune cookie after an amazing dinner, hoping for a deep insightful message about your future, only to crack it open and read a corny overused phrase.
Fortune cookies are supposed...
Jellycats, which was founded in 1999, is a plushie company based in the United Kingdom. Over the years their products have grabbed the hearts of thousands of customers. Jellycats sells a diverse assortment...
Music isn’t just a sound, but complex sounds that can be transformative. In a study by the Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare Center, music can affect chemicals in your brain that can change the way you...
The Costco food court all started with one hot dog stand outside of the San Diego warehouse location in 1984 where you could purchase a quarter pound hot dog and a 20 ounce refillable soda for $1.50....
Imagine living in a country where the weather is decided by a little rodent named Punxsutawney Phil. Every year on Feb. 2, thousands of people watch as this famous groundhog emerges from his burrow to...
Everyone has those moments when you have nothing else to do and are lacking enthusiasm over their current activity or lack of something to do. That’s called boredom. Since the term has been coined, there...