Have you ever noticed that women are found shopping in the men’s section quite often, but you rarely ever see a man shopping in the women’s section?
Women’s clothing often focuses more on style and trends, while men’s clothing is designed for comfort and practicality. This might explain why so many women prefer shopping in the men’s section, especially for basics like hoodies and sweatpants.
Senior Carson Allen said, “I couldn’t agree more. A lot of my friends even wear men’s deodorant and men’s colognes, and they say they smell amazing.”
While the men’s section is better in quality and is cheaper, some might argue that the women’s section has more variety and things to choose from than the men’s. But do more options make up for the higher prices and lower quality?
Senior Aya Aani said, “Women’s clothes definitely have more colors and options, but if I had to pick a sweatshirt from either the men’s section or the women’s, I’d choose the men’s.”
Many women would rather shop in men’s sections especially when it comes to comfort. Items like sweatshirts, sweatpants, and shirts are often preferred because they tend to be looser, more durable, and made from thicker, higher-quality fabric compared to their counterparts in the women’s section.
Senior Jumanah Bendra said, “I feel like every time I buy a hoodie from the women’s section, it’s either cropped, too thin, or way more expensive than it should be.”
Not only are clothes the only thing women are finding themselves paying more for. A simple pink razor is found in the women’s section for $6, while in the mens section you’ll find the exact same razor for half the price. It’s the same product, but the pink packaging and “female” label drive up the price.
Other things like shampoos, conditioners and even body lotions marked towards women are often more expensive in women’s sections with little to no difference in quality compared to the male products.
Women should not have to feel like shopping in their section is an inconvenience, or feel like their products are less than the men’s. Industries should develop better quality products at cheaper prices.