At Fuquay-Varina High School, exams are coming up. Students need to be aware of the new exam schedule and the rules that come with it.
Final exams begin on Monday, June 9, 2025, with the EOC (for math 1, English 2, and seniors taking math 3). The time is between 7:25 to 11:25, stretching four hours total. Tuesday has a similar schedule, with 7:25-10:25 being 1st period teacher exams, or biology/CTE. At 10:25-11:12 there will be lunch. After lunch, we will have 3rd period teacher exams with biology/CTE. The day ends at 2:18 with dismissal. On Wednesday, the time periods stay the same, with 2nd period teacher exams or biology/CTE, then lunch, and after, 4th period teacher exams or biology/CTE. This then will mark dismissal. Thursday is a shorter day, ending at 11:25, with buses departing at 11:45. This is just the EOC test (math 3 for 9th-11th graders).
Lastly, Friday, June 13, is for make-up exams and ends the same time as Thursday. The make-up exams are only needed if you missed an exam, or need to take math 1 or 3 or English 2 (if they took them in the same semester). All exams count as 20% of the students final grade.
An exception to this is if you are a senior who qualifies to be exempt which means you have higher than an 80% in the class and have no more than 10 absences.
In order to maintain the integrity of the assessments, rules are in place. Students are not allowed to check out early during exams. Students also must take the exams at the scheduled times given. Bringing electronic devices, other than approved calculators, is strictly forbidden. If a student must be absent from an exam, then they must submit a parent note to the attendance office upon return to school. The student is responsible for working with their teacher to schedule the make-up exam.
Junior Ava Bordelon said, “Normally I’m really stressed about finals but this year it’s actually pretty simple.”
The new schedule provides a simpler approach to the final exams that aims to give students a better experience.
Junior Jackson Bordelon said, “I am not very excited for exams this year. My math is going to be tough, and I don’t like how much of my grade it is worth.”
The exams weighing 20% of the grade in the class helps the student to really show their grasp of the concepts taught in the class.
Ultimately, while final exams may be challenging, they offer a very valuable insight into the growth that students have worked so hard all year to learn.