From alternative dressing in 2020 to clean girl makeup in 2024, students at FVHS are full of opinions about what trends should be brought back.
Junior Logan Jenkins said, “I think a trend we should bring back is people wearing alternative clothes and people really expressing themselves and who they are as a person.”
While Jenkins shares what fashion trends that were recent, others share trends that were from the 90s and 2000s. These trends died off due to the rise of different fashion trends in the 2010s, such as skinny jeans and bulky colorful necklaces.
Junior Kira Burns said, “I really want to bring back low rise jeans. They were really popular when my mom was growing up, and I think they look good on everyone.”
Sometimes when people think about trends that are no longer “trendy,” some get a feeling of nostalgia, whether it’s from seeing those fashion trends on some people or talking about them.
Jenkins said, “Whenever I see people dressing alternatively I think about how people would dress however they wanted during lockdown, and honestly it was my favorite era.
While some people discussed their favorite fashion trends others discussed their favorite entertainment trends.
Freshman Peyton Feldner-Turner said, “ A trend that was not in a form of fashion that I would like to bring back from 2019 would be people making reaction videos to Roblox storytimes.”
Feldner-Turner explains how whenever she watches those videos now, she gets a comforting feeling.
“It’s almost like I’m a kid again and watching videos without a care in the world,” Feldner-Turner said.
Junior Marshall Ford expresses that he would like people to go back to having common courtesy. Common courtesy has been declining because of lack of social interactions.
“I really miss when people were kind to others,” said Ford.
These social interactions we’ve been having are not what they used to be. In shows and movies from the 1950s through the early 2000s, kindness was portrayed frequently. Nowadays, in the shows and movies people watch there is always some person who is “cool” for being mean.
“Although it’s not considered ‘trendy,’ it was a really big thing when I was growing up. But now it’s tossed aside as though it’s nothing,” Ford said.
Trends have been around for a long time, and some of them have made a comeback. So maybe your favorite trend can come back too.