At some point in life, most people have likely heard someone randomly meow. Whether it’s in casual conversation or as part of a viral sound, the act of meowing is often misunderstood especially as a trend on TikTok that goes along the lines of “meow meow meow… meow meow meow meow meow…” starts going viral.
While some may think that this playful way of expressing oneself is a tick related to Tourette’s Syndrome, it’s important to recognize that meowing is not an involuntary action in most cases. It’s simply a quirky trend that people use intentionally to add humor. Meowing in this context has become a playful vocalization, sometimes used in TikTok videos to accompany memes or funny clips. Also, for some, it’s a fun way to change up their daily speech and add something new.
Senior Aya Aani said, “Me and my friends meow randomly, and it’s always funny, never gets old.”
However, not everyone sees meowing as harmless or fun. For some, it’s seen as strange or unnecessary.
Senior at Apex Friendship High School, Salma Fassih, said, “It’s one thing to joke around every now and then, but when people just meow for no reason, it feels like they’re trying too hard to be quirky.”
Whether people find it funny or weird meowing still continues to be a growing trend amongst teens. Meowing went from a sound only cats made to a form of self expression used by people round the world.