Many people think that money can buy happiness .To some extent it can, but money cannot provide us with true happiness.
There are plenty of positives to having more money. Money alleviates stress by providing financial stability and comfort. The wealthier someone is, the less they have to worry about whether they can buy basic necessities for themselves and their families.
Wealthier individuals also have more freedom and control in their lives to pursue whatever they want in life. Money can also be used as a resource to provide opportunities, like higher education.
Money also allows us to purchase items that provide temporary happiness. Many people love to shop. When we purchase things we love, our brain releases a happy hormone called dopamine.
All these things money provides are temporary, not everlasting happiness. No matter how comfortable we are in life, or how many possessions we acquire, we won’t reach true happiness.
“Money can buy material things but real happiness must be truly earned,” said philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau.
True happiness only comes from within. Money can buy many materialistic things, but many things that money cannot buy are things associated with true happiness like love, personal growth and meaningful relationships.
Money also can’t fix everything that makes us unhappy. We can’t use money to suddenly cure depression or any struggle we have with our mental health.
Overall money cannot buy true happiness. It can only give us an illusion of happiness since we can use money as a resource to provide us satisfaction and pleasure. If we want to achieve true happiness, we should not rely on money to achieve it. We should find true happiness within ourselves and what we find meaningful in life.