Cross country is a sport where you run on different terrains and you are timed. For the meets, you run 3.1 miles, which is a 5k. The track meets happen every other week.
This year, cross country has had a big change with the number of freshmen joining the team. They have had a great impact on the cross-country team’s finish times.
Marley Johnson said, ¨The new freshmen that have joined the team are all really hard-working and super determined.¨
With the freshmen being super determined and hard-working it is pushing all of the other teammates to grow and get better.
¨Running cross country with other determined runners really pushes the older cross country runners to do better and get stronger,¨ said Johnson.
Cross country is also a really good source for making close friends. Running with people the same age and having the same determined mindset is super helpful while running because it pushes the whole team to get better and build stronger relationships.
The coaches for the cross country team are Coach Beth Ihnatolya and Coach Monica Rasberry.
According to freshman Sydney Murphy, ¨The coaches are all really helpful and supportive and they give such great advice when we need it.¨ With the coaches being very supportive and helpful it really helps the team to be on good terms and get along with each other. The tips that they give to the runners make big impacts on their running times.