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The best goldfish

Which goldfish flavor is the best one?
Which goldfish flavor is the best one?
Erin Fahringer

Goldfish are a very common snack for all ages. They are easy to pack and take anywhere. Many people take them to school, and they have a wide variety of flavors.

The wide variety of flavors continues to grow, and this raises the question of which flavor is the best?

The original cheddar flavor is the most common that you see. It has the classic tasty goldfish flavor, and it is liked by many, but what about the other flavors? 

“My favorite flavor is the original cheddar because it is a classic. I think they are trying hard with all the new flavors,” senior Leeka Njie said.

The rainbow goldfish are a letdown. The flavors are very mediocre, and I would prefer almost any other flavor to rainbow. 

On the contrary, the extra cheddar goldfish are my favorite. Not only do they play on the original goldfish flavor, but they enhance the flavor with a cheddar powder that covers the fish-shaped cracker.

“The extra cheddar flavor is my favorite, simply because I really love cheese,” said senior Kat Terway.

The extra cheddar goldfish pack a big punch of cheesy flavor that leaves the residue of cheese powder on your fingers as you eat them.

Another simple cheese flavor is the white parmesan cheese goldfish. This is another common flavor for other cheese lovers.

“The parmesan cheese flavor is my favorite because it has a more subtle taste of cheese that I really like,” said senior Analise Mitchell.

I have not tried every flavor of goldfish, and I don’t think I am even aware of every flavor available to the public, but I have strong opinions. It tends to be that the more complex the flavor gets, the smaller the consumer base gets.

The simpler and classic flavors that have been staples for the company for years are the safest option for consumers. I like what I know, and the cheddar and extra cheddar goldfish are what I grew up eating on picnics, days at the park, watching my favorite TV shows, and summer days at the pool.

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