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What is the best season?

Many people have different opinions on which season is the best.
Many people have different opinions on which season is the best.
Ella Wachtel

Everyone has different opinions on the four seasons. There’s winter, summer, spring, and fall, but what really is the best season? This all just depends on what type of holidays and weather you experience in the specific season.

The most popular season is obviously summer. There are so many different reasons to love summer. In the summertime, school is out for three months which everyone loves. You can travel and hang out with friends every day. And the best part yet, you can sleep in and stay out as late as you want without having to worry about getting to school by 7:25 a.m.

The second most popular season is winter. Winter is home to one of the most popular and favorite holidays, Christmas. I love winter because of the cozy feeling of being with family and the enjoyable Christmas movies you can watch together. And when it starts to snow in some places it feels like a Winter wonderland.

 Then there is spring. Spring is my favorite season because it finally starts to warm up after a cold winter and the beautiful plants start blooming. The only downside of spring is the pollen, but it’s by far one of the prettiest seasons. And it’s a sign that school is is almost over!

Fall is also really popular because of Halloween and Thanksgiving. Fall is a season of change with weather, and unfortunately, school starts up. Fall was rated the worst season because of school, but it’s also a cozy and beautiful season. 

“My favorite season is summer because I can hang out with my best friends whenever I want. We can stay up all night, sleep all day, and repeat. I love being at the pool and going on vacations to the beach with my family and friends.” said freshman Abby Hills. 

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