Everyone is under the influence of trends, opinions, and standards from social media. Growing up with social media is not good for young kids and adults on social media could experience negative effects as well.
The average time a teenager spends on social media is ¨four point eight hours a day,¨ according to a “Forbes” article. All the content they scroll across and see affects their daily lives. When social media didn’t exist, life was happier. You kept yourself entertained with more outdoor activities and socializing more.
It is shown that less children have social anxiety when they aren’t hiding behind a phone to communicate. People today use their phone as an alternative to talking to people which can lead to anxiety when they actually have to talk to other humans.
Without social media though, there could still be factors that could impact teenagers’ emotions.
¨No, teenagers would not be happier because there are still magazines and bullying, so it doesn’t really matter,¨ said sophomore Madi Cassidy.
A big worry about social media is safety because not every child is monitored at a young age when having social media. Having young children and adults on the same site can lead to major problems. With no social media, it can prevent tons of crimes and even save lives.Safety is a big thing that we want to influence on everyone no matter the age.
Even though social media is not safe, it can be a place to spread news. This good use of social media allows it to inform everyone about real life occurrences and to spread awareness to viewers.
Social media has its benefits, but there are only a few. Without it, there would be less mental health illnesses, criminal acts, cyber-bullying, money addictions, and wasted time.
But we can’t just get rid of social media because it already exists. So we have to see how better life would be without it because we saw how life was before it. It’s your choice to have it, unless you have an addiction.
People who challenge themselves to get rid of social media see a lot of benefits. It’s hard at first, but once you see how much social media negatively impacts you, it’s worth it.
Overall the strongest opinion about this topic is that life without social media would be better. People would be able to enjoy life more without being on a screen most of their day. If news needs to be spread, it’s time to open up a good, old-fashioned newspaper.