FVHS should have World Culture day: a day dedicated to students’ cultures. There are many students from different parts of the world who come from unique backgrounds. This would bring together many students, promoting diversity.
There’s a significant importance for students to learn about different cultures. Diversity is a really big part of life, and students being exposed to it early on in life could increase their success in personal and professional growth.
It’s not everyday that students get the chance to express themselves through their backgrounds and traditions. Having a day where they are allowed to educate others and maybe even learn more about themselves on where they’ve come from is a great way to enhance unity.
Sophomore Sanika Surve said, “As an Indian, I would love for there to be a day where I can come to school in lehenga or salwar. I’m very proud of where I come from, and I would love to show others the beauty of my culture.”
On this day, students should be able to dress in their cultural clothes, bring in a special dish or something unique to represent them, put on a performance, and even create informative, eye-catching posters for people to look at and read.
Watching everyone get together to try new things and witness the different customs while embracing themselves is an enjoyment itself. Besides learning through books and articles, they would get to have a firsthand experience of these traditions.
Cultural awareness is important in our society. There’s a history behind every culture and it’s most effective to learn through peers from those cultures. Everyone comes from different experiences which should be shown and embraced.