FVHS is having a pep rally during fourth period on the football field this Friday, Oct. 27. FVHS has not hosted a pep rally of their own in many years. The pep rally was put on this week to promote school spirit and high energy for the football game against Willow Springs High School later on that night. Senior Ralph Phillips has been in charge of the planning as head of the pep rally committee on Student Council.
Phillips said, ¨I wanted the pep rally to be this week because we play Willow Springs, and they always think they’re better than us. I wanted to have a big Fuquay-out event to celebrate each other, our amazing town and our amazings sports.¨
The Student Council has worked hard to plan and put together many different parts of this pep rally. There will be recognition for the fall sports, performances from both our dance and cheer teams, and music from the Marching Bengals.
There will also be a relay race and administrators being pied in the face. Both of these events involve student participation. The relay race will consist of competition between the four grades through multiple games. Students can vote for their own two representatives to represent their grade level in the relay race. They can vote through a google form found on a QR code on posters around the school, or the FVHS Student Council Instagram. Voting will close on Wednesday, Oct. 25 and the representatives will be announced before the pep rally.
The pieing of the administrators is also in the hands of the students. Students can purchase raffle tickets Oct. 24 through Oct. 26 during both lunches for a chance to pie an administrator of their choice. The winning ticket will be drawn during the pep rally.
¨I wanted the pep rally to be big and fun and I thought I had some great ideas for it. I believe it’s important that we all should have fun school events everyone enjoys. This is one of those events. I feel that the student body as well as the staff will enjoy this,¨ said Phillips.
This past week, leading up to the pep rally, there was a spirit week to encourage more school spirit. This week consisted of Adam Sandler Day, Tropical Versus Winter Wonderland Day, Jersey Day, Teacher-Student Swap Day, and Bengal Out Day.
The Student Council pushed for this pep rally in hopes of creating more school spirit and participation throughout the student body. This pep rally allows our school to do fun activities while involving our own students and representing our school in the best way possible.
All students can stay involved by buying raffle tickets, nominating students to compete in the relay race, and even just showing up to the pep rally on Friday with their best school spirit.