On Oct. 7 FVHS hosted a Homecoming dance. While this is was advertised as the first dance at FVHS, it was not the first ever. For this dance, Student Council sold over 690 tickets for the dance. The dance started at 7 p.m. and lasted two hours.
It was held in the gym with photo backdrops, decorations, and concessions in the atrium leading to it. There were two photo opportunities with backgrounds decorated to match the Enchanted Garden theme. Other decorations included light-up butterflies, vines, paper mache lanterns, paper mache flowers, and more. The school was also able to provide a DJ for the night.
Senior Skye Blackburn said, ¨My favorite part of the dance was the people I went with and saw there. We all had a bunch of fun, and kinda kept to our group, which made the night a lot more enjoyable.¨
Despite there still being some flaws since this is the first homecoming dance in a long time, many students still enjoyed their time there, took lots of pictures, and danced all night.
Another part of Homecoming is the court. The Homecoming King and Queen were announced at the Friday night game, the night before the dance. Malcolm Ziglar was crowned as Homecoming King and Jakari Hardison was crowned as the Queen.
When asked about being crowned as the winner, Hardison said, ¨It’s an absolutely incredible feeling; a moment of a lifetime. I was feeling a rush of emotions, anxious, excited, and nervous.¨
Although the Hoco Court was not honored at the dance, they still play a role in the traditions and will hopefully be recognized in next year´s dance.
Many students came and enjoyed the dance. Despite there being a stigma of dances being ¨lame¨ or ¨boring,¨ students who came were grateful and made the best out of what they were given.
¨These ´lame school functions´ are what you make them. At the very least, look at them as opportunities to see your friends. Get a group and go. As long as you´re with people you enjoy spending time with, it won’t be a waste,¨ said Blackburn.