Look your best this spring with fashion advice

Caitlyn Horton, Features Writer

With the weather changing, our clothes are changing with it. We can now bring out our denim shorts, tank tops, and floral dresses. In the fashion world, something can be trendy for ten minutes and then out with no explanation. A lot has to do with what we see on other people and what we’re seeing on social media.

The fashion industry has a wide variety of different styles. Many designers have a signature look. The brand Chanel is known for its old money-looking suits, Louis Vuitton is known for their brown bags, and Gucci is known for its flip-flops and belts. 

At FVHS we have many different students with different styles. Every day we see how those styles complement their personalities. 

Senior Ximena Martinez thinks it is important for everyone to find their own style. 

“I feel like fashion has a big impact because everyone has their own style, and I feel like mine very’s into many different things,” Martinez said.

Everyone has their do’s and don’ts on what fashion trends they think are interesting. 

“I like chokers and streetwear. I would like something different and not basic,” Martinez said. 

Weather is a big deal when it comes to picking out an outfit since you have to determine what to wear based on what’s going on outside. With the spring weather coming in, we can now start wearing clothes fit for the weather.

“It affects it a lot because if it’s hot I’m not going to cover up, and I’m not going to wear shorts in the winter,” Martinez said. 

There is inspiration all around us, with the fashion world being one of the main things people talk about. We can take different styles and make them our own.

“Some of my friends have good outfits, so I get some of my ideas from them but mostly it’s online. TikTok is one of them. I’ll see an outfit and get ideas from that,” Martinez said. 

Having your own voice can help in many different ways, to express yourself and show others who you are. It also shows that you don’t always have to fit in with certain crowds.

“Don’t follow trends too much, wear what you’re comfortable with,” Martinez said. 

There are many different aspects of how the fashion industry is portrayed, with its ups and downs, the way you look at it tells a story about the fashion you like.

“I feel like the fashion industry is good and bad. If used the right way, you can be yourself and show people who you are through your clothes. But it can be bad also because it might make others insecure because there are so many standards of how you should look,” Martinez said.

Another senior Ja’maya Cooke says fashion doesn’t affect her that much.

“Not necessarily, it’s something that’s interesting in the fall, with all the different types of styles that can come with it,” Cooke said. 

There are many fashion items that we will like and dislike, but all of it is based on personal opinion.

“I like flannels because they add some type of color to your outfit. I also think rings are important in an outfit because it doesn’t make your hands look plain. I like bracelets too, it gives it some type of style,” Cooke said.

Trying to find your own style can be difficult, but once you’ve found what you do like, seeing what you don’t isn’t hard.

“I don’t like baggy clothes, like mom jeans. They can be cute sometimes but I don’t like it,” Cooke said.

Knowing what the weather is going to be plays a big part in choosing an outfit, and if it changes throughout the day that can affect you.

“I like to wear short sleeves, and if it’s raining, I can’t wear them which makes me sad,” Cooke said. 

Fashion inspiration is all around, on the street or from someone you’ve seen at the grocery store.

“I look on Pinterest for fashion ideas,” Cooke said. 

How you look at the fashion industry determines how you choose an outfit. A lot of inspiration can be found in celebrities and the latest thing they’re wearing.

“At the Met Gala, some outfits were cute, like Rihanna’s, but not ASAP Rocky’s. I think it’s a hit or miss with the fashion world,” Cooke said.

Spring is here and along with your best outfits, you can now start spending time outside with your families and friends enjoying time together.