Is social media ruining relationships?

The dating culture has undoubtedly changed with the launch of social media. Online dating has become extensively popular, and it is seen as a great way to meet new people, and possibly a long-term partner. According to Cloudwards, 35 percent of online dating users have had long-term relationships. People can easily share their preferences with a partner, as well as their hobbies and interests. It’s more convenient to date someone who already has experience in dating online.

Because everybody is using social media these days, it is common for people to share a lot about their personal lives. Depending on your content preferences, the algorithm will always have videos and posts for your personal entertainment. This algorithm has proven to be crucial for social media platforms. 

Channels, podcasts, and pages discussing relationships have amassed thousands of views and have had a great impact on how people see relationships, and how they navigate dating themselves. These channels and podcasts often feature people sharing their own experiences and opinions on dating. 

Learning how to communicate, how your partner communicates and shows affection, as well as knowing the fundamentals of a relationship are very important. Recently, terms like “icks,” “red flags,” love bombing,” and more have all been associated with the dating world, especially on apps like TikTok, where lots of discourse can be spread. These discussions can cover many topics like cheating, attachment styles, signs of abuse, and more. People who view this content can often leave feeling informed, as well as secure.

Gen Z has been considered to be the generation of change, a generation of acceptance, and progress. Different from past generations, most wish to confront these traumas and issues caused by their parents and the generations before them. This includes the future of dating ideals. 

In fact, some couples therapists have made their own platforms online, which makes them easily accessible to lots of people. These therapists post content sharing their own experiences in the field and what they get asked the most by their clients.

Some could take this advice too seriously, and it may have a negative effect on people who already have anxiety when it comes to relationships. Advice like this should be taken with a grain of salt, especially when talking to someone for the first time.

Couples therapy used to be much more common, as more Millennials and Boomers consider it to be more effective. In a 2017 study done by Choosing Therapy, millennials have been proven to attend couples therapy the most, followed by Baby Boomers. Now it seems as if couples therapy is a thing of the past. More individuals are turning to each other, and the Internet to get good advice. 

Whether you believe that this advice is relevant or not, it is very interesting to see people online discussing their own thoughts about the nuances of dating today. Discussions like these will help future generations accomplish what the older generation couldn’t do for themselves.