Ella Wachtel
Underclassman's fall pictures are on Monday, Oct 2, 2023.
Mark your calendars! FVHS’s picture day is scheduled on Monday, Oct. 2.
Yearbook adviser Stanley Hsu is working hard to make sure the event can run as efficiently as possible. To minimize disruption, students will receive call slips that they can present to their teachers and be excused from the class. A camera crew will be set up in the auxiliary gym where classes will gather to take their fall pictures.
Juniors will take their pictures before the other underclassmen, during their first period. They will be followed by sophomores in their second period, and lastly freshmen during their third period.
The pictures taken will replace students’ current photos on Powerschool, and will be included in their student IDs and yearbooks. Many students will want to wear more formal clothing for the event.
Coincidentally, pajama day for FVHS’s upcoming spirit week is on the same day, which may cause some conflict amongst students. Should they dress up to look good in this year’s photo or dress down to celebrate FVHS spirit? There’s always the option to compromise and bring a change of clothes for the event, which many students may choose to do.
Nevertheless, the iconic day is sure to be great. In the meanwhile, students can practice their picture day smiles and pick out outfits. Some are even planning to rock their pajamas for their school pictures.
You can order pictures at mylifetouch.com.